Sydney Mosque Given Green Light for Construction

9:34 - November 12, 2019
News ID: 3469861
TEHRAN (IQNA) – The construction of a controversial mosque in Sydney's west will go ahead after a three-year battle ended in court.


The Islamic Association of Prospect will be allowed to build the $769,000 place of worship after an appeal was upheld in the Land and Environment Court last month.

The ruling comes almost three years after the application for the 113-person mosque at 420 Blacktown Road was lodged.

Blacktown City Council initially rejected the plans for the mosque, with locals stressing concerns about an increase in traffic and fears for pedestrian safety. 

But after two days in court, Commissioner Danielle Dickson gave the Islamic Association of Prospect the green light to begin construction.

The plan for the mosque includes a prayer hall, library, study, two entry areas, office kitchen and onsite parking for 34 vehicles.

The religious institution would operate every day of the week between 5.30am and 9pm.

Blacktown City Council argued the application should be refused as it is “not in the public interest due to the inadequacies of the proposal, the unsuitable location and the issues raised in the public submissions”.

They claim the development would not provide sufficient parking for the demand generated and the increase of cars in the area would create a 'serious pedestrian safety hazard' for residents attempting for cross Blacktown Road.

They council received 22 written submissions and three petitions objecting to the proposed development.

Dickson said she was “not persuaded” by arguments put forward by the council and determined the site is suitable for development, according to the Daily Mail. 

“I am satisfied it is unlikely residents will experience significant increases in early morning traffic movements and parking as a result of the development,” she said.

“I am satisfied that the proposed place of worship... can operate in a satisfactory manner without any adverse impacts on the amenity of adjacent properties.”

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